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Standardization and guidelines work

We make our expert knowledge available to the general public by participating in the standardization work of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). We are also involved in the creation of guidelines in branch associations.

We are currently active in the following committees:

  • DIN-Committee “Rauch- und Wärmefreihaltung“
    (Smoke and heat control, NA 005-52-32 AA)
  • DIN-Committee „Abzüge und Laborlufttechnik“
    (Fume cupboards and laboratory air technology, NA 055-02-01 AA)
  • DIN-Committee „Heiz- und Raumlufttechnik“
    (Heating and ventilation technology, NA 041-02-50 AA)
  • DIN-Committee „PV- und Solaranlagen auf Dächern“
    (PV and solar systems on roofs, NA 005-02-20 AA)
  • DIN-Committee „Hyperloop-Systeme“
    (Hyperloop systems, NA 087-00-20 GA)
  • CEN-Committee „Laborausrüstungen“
    (Laboratory equipment, CEN/TC 332)
  • CEN-Committee "Design and calculation methods and installation procedures for pressure differential smoke control systems"
  • CEN-Committee "Ventilation for buildings"
    (CEN/TC 156)
  • VDI-Committee “Umweltmeteorologie“
    (Environmental meteorology, 3783)
  • VDI-Committee "Anforderungen an den Einsatz fluiddynamischer Simulationen in der Gebäudetechnik"
    (Requirements for the use of fluid dynamic simulations in building services engineering, 6016)
  • VDI-Committee "Gebäudeautomation"
    (Building automation, 3814)
  • VDI-Committee "Facility-Management - Technisches Monitoring von Gebäuden und gebäudetechnischen Anlagen"
    (Technical monitoring of buildings and technical building systems, 6041, closed)